Dovolujeme si upozornit na novou publikaci, související s hudbou v Česku a českou muzikologií nejen tématicky, ale i autorsky.

Editory sborníku jsou Jan Blüml, Yvetta Kajanová a Rüdiger Ritter. Obsah a anotace viz níže.

Další podrobnosti na stránce vydavatelství Peter Lang.


Through selected topics, the book presents an up-to-date and comprehensive view of the popular music of communist and post-communist Europe. The studies introduce new sources, discuss transformations of the institutional background of popular music of the given geopolitical sphere, its social, cultural-political, or artistic conditions. Thanks to the time span of nearly thirty years since the fall of the Iron Curtain, the authors have in many ways revised or supplemented traditional post-communist perceptions of the issues in question. This is being done with respect to the genres such as jazz, rock, pop, singer-songwriters, hip-hop, or White Power Music, as well as across the whole region from the former Yugoslavia through Central European states to the countries of the former Soviet Union. 



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