Digital Humanities in Early Music Research
A series of conferences and workshops focusing on the use of digital humanities in early music research.
A series of conferences and workshops focusing on the use of digital humanities in early music
research. The series is open to the public free of charge. Reservation is required: please contact
jointly the coordinator Jana Franková (Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.) and Hana Vlhová-Wörner (Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.)
Session II online – Databases and digital editions of early music
22–30 June 2020
Mondays June 22 and 29 always 4–5 p.m.,
Wednesday June 24 at 4–7:15 p.m.
Tuesday June 30 at 4–7:15 p.m.
online sessions via Zoom
Elsa De Luca (Coordinator of the Portuguese Early Music Database, member of the Board of the Music Encoding Initiative (2019–21); University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Konstantin Voigt (Universitätsassistent, post-doc researcher in Latin songs of the 12th century, collaborator on Corpus Monodicum; University of Vienna, Austria)
Monday 22 June Presentation I
4–4:45 p.m.
The 'Portuguese Early Music Database'
(Elsa De Luca, CESEM-FCSH, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal)
This presentation introduces a large project on Digital Humanities started about ten years ago by
Manuel Pedro Ferreira at the NOVA University of Lisbon. The Portuguese Early Music Database
( is a digital library of Iberian (mainly Portuguese) manuscripts with musical
notation written before c. 1650. In PEM every manuscript is given in full-color reproduction
accompanied by a codicological description. Additionally, the musical contents of all fragments—and a
selection of codices with monophonic or polyphonic music as well—are fully indexed. Crucially,
plainchant in PEM is indexed following the Cantus Index system ( and, as such,
the PEM Database is connected to other international medieval music databases by means of unique
Cantus ID numbers. I will discuss the search capabilities of PEM, its contents, and all the challenges
related to the development and implementation of such a unique project in early music.