Ústav dějin umění AV ČR Vás srdečně zve na workshop věnovaný ženám v české hudební kultuře 19. století, který se bude konat digitálně 23. - 24. října 2020. Oficiálními jazyky workshopu budou angličtina a němčina. Program na workshop se najde tady.
Účast je zdarma. Ale je nutné se zaregistrovat nejpozději do 15. října 2020. V rámci tohoto workshopu se bude konat 24. října 2020, 16:00, digitální koncert.
Registrace na workshop je možné tady. Registrace na koncert je možné tady.
Těšíme se na aktivní účast a zajímavé debaty.
Tato akce je financována z programu Akademie věd Strategie AV 21 (Téma: Formy a funkce komunikace) a pořádá ji dr. Anja Bunzel (Ústav dějin umění AV ČR) ve spolupráci s dr. Markétou Kratochvílovou (Ústav dějin umění AV ČR) a Sophie Drinker Institut (Bremen, Německo).
International Digital Workshop: Women in Nineteenth-Century Czech Musical Culture (23-24 October 2020, Musicology Department, Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic)
Friday, 23 October 2020
13:00 Welcome and Opening
Session I: Individual Considerations: Czech Women in the Czech Lands during the First Half of the Nineteenth Century
13:30-14:00 ‘Maria Carolina Benda – Pianistin, Sängerin, Komponistin: Leben und Werk’ (Dr Claudia Behn, Independent Scholar, Jena, Germany) German
14:00-14:30 ‘Drei Schwestern geborene Ebert – Wilhelmine Tomaschek, Juliane Glaser und Elisabeth Hansgirg’ (Dr Markéta Kabelková, Czech Museum of Music, Prague, Czech Republic) German
Break 14:30-15:00
Session II: Individual Considerations: Song and Piano Compositions in Czech Musical Culture during the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century
15:00-15:30 ‘Die Komponistin und Schriftstellerin Stephanie Wurmbrand-Stuppach als schöpferische Persönlichkeit’ (Dr Jana Lengová, Institute of Musicology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic) German
15:30-16:00 ‘Josefina Brdlíková’s Songs’ (Dr Anja Bunzel, Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences) English
Break 16:00-16:30
Session III: Nineteenth-Century Czech Women Abroad
16:30-17:00 ‘Agnes Tyrrell – A Lone Composer from Moravian Manchester’ (Blanka Šnajdrová, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic) English
17:00-17:30 ‘The Influence of Wilhelmine Neruda-Norman on the European Violin Repertoire of the Second Half of the 19th Century (Anastasia Vedyakova, Independent Scholar, Moscow, Russia) English
17:30-18:00 Frauen in der Musikkultur der Wiener Tschechen (Slawen) im 19. Jahrhundert – Versuch einer Typologie (Dr Viktor Velek, Masaryk Institute and Archives, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic) German
Saturday, 24 October 2020
9:00 Welcome and opening/arrival
Session IV: Women and Czech Musical Practices: Groups and Communities during the First Half of the Nineteenth Century
9:30-10:00 ‘Erinnerung an vergangene Klänge: das Musik-Stammbuch der Elise Gräfin von Schlik (1813-1852)’ (Dr Henrike Rost, Independent Scholar, Berlin, Germany) German
10:00-10:30 ‘Josef Hellmesberger’s Female Students and their Participation in Czech Musical Life’ (Annkatrin Babbe, Sophie Drinker Institut, Bremen, Germany) English
10:30-11:00 ‘Die „daraus entspringende Unordnung“: Frauenstudium am Konservatorium in Prag’ (Prof. Freia Hoffmann, Sophie Drinker Institut, Bremen, Germany) German
11:00-11:30 Break
Session V: Women in Czech Musical Practices: Groups and Communities towards the End of the Nineteenth Century
11:30-12:00 ‘The Unsung Heroines: Female Barrel Organ Players in the Central Bohemian Region in the 1890s’ (Dr Risto Pekka Pennanen, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland) English
12:00-12:30 ‘Music Criticism in the Jewish Bohemia 1893-1911: Gisella Selden-Goth and the Prager Tagblatt as transfiguration of the Mahlerian Aesthetics’ (Paolo Munaò, Independent Scholar, Florence, Italy) English
12:30-13:00 Concluding Remarks German/English
16:00 Concert ‘Women in Nineteenth-Century Czech Musical Culture’ (joint viewing, followed by chats over coffee)