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Kevin Clarke: Operetta and Sexual Liberation 1850–1950 (Praha)
Shlédnutí : 141

Oddělení muzikologie ÚDU Akademie věd České republiky srdečně zve na přednášku pořádanou v rámci cyklu "Dialogo della musica", kterou přednese Kevin Clarke (Amsterdam) na téma

Operetta and Sexual Liberation 1850–1950

V úterý 10. května 2022, 17:00 hodin na Ústavu dějin umění AV ČR, Husova 4, Praha 1.


Abstract: "Operetta" is considered by many, today, as "flowing champagne, ceaseless waltzing, glittering ballgowns, sentiment and Schmalz." The respective shows are seen as old-fashioned, reactionary even, in their morals and music. However, the original operettas by Jacques Offenbach, Franz von Suppé and Johann Strauss were born out of the spirit of pornography and put sexual liberation onto the stage in an unprecedented way. Dr. Kevin Clarke (Operetta Research Center, Amsterdam) outlines the liberated aspects of these early works that made a splash around the world, joyfully depicting non-heteronormative forms of living, and he chronicles why such an empowering format of popular musical theater was lost in the decades that followed.
Discussion afterwards about sexual liberation in musical theater today with Kevin Clarke and Vojtěch Frank (Charles University, Faculty of Arts)