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Tradition and Innovation in Music Scholarship - konference
Shlédnutí : 492

Konference pořádaná ÚHV FF UK ve spolupráci s New York University jako závěr semináře prof. Michaela Beckermana (New York University): Tradition and Innovation in Music Scholarship

V zimním semestru na ÚHV FF UK v Praze mimořádně hostuje profesor Michael Beckerman. Jeden z kursů je pojat jako reflexe soudobého stavu (nejen americké) hudební vědy a je otevřen jak studentům UK, tak i dalším zájemcům. 
Vzhledem k omezeným kapacitám učebny prosíme o potvrzení Vašeho případného zájmu kursu se účastnit (Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.).

Součástí přednáškového cyklu bude také malá konference ve dnech 14.-15. 12. 2018.

The conference, to be held on Dec. 14-15, brings together students, scholars and practitioners from the United States and the Czech Republic and is co-sponsored by the NYU Department of Music, NYU Prague and Charles University.

Anotace semináře:

Tradition and Innovation in Music Scholarship

This is a fascinating time to be a music scholar. While there are still strong links with traditional approaches to our subject in such areas as source studies, archival work, projects featuring compositional process, historiography and philology, in the last ten years there has been a kind of rift, perhaps even a small chasm, developing between these practices and a range of new views based on such things as critical theory, cultural studies, sound studies, work on gender and sexuality, colonialism and many related topics. Many of these more recent approaches seek to critique and even dismantle traditional narratives, and problematize every aspect of the enterprise.

This seminar consists of three class sessions (Oct. 12, Nov. 2, and Dec. 7) and a conference to explore the kinds of work being done in musicology and related disciplines. It further engages and evaluates the aims and claims of different approaches to understanding. The conference, to be held on Dec. 14-15, brings together students, scholars and practitioners from the United States and the Czech Republic and is co-sponsored by the NYU Department of Music, NYU Prague and Charles University.

The course will feature selected readings from contemporary scholarship. Most importantly, all participants will be required to participate in discussions and be rigorously prepared to characterize and situate their own research projects in terms of the spectrum of possibilities.



Místo : ÚHV FF UK, nám. Jana Palacha 2, Praha 1 a New York University, Prague
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