Konference pořádaná ve dnech 14.-15. 12. 2018 Ústavem hudební vědy FF UK ve spolupráci s New York University jako závěr semináře prof. Michaela Beckermana (New York University): Tradition and Innovation in Music Scholarship

V zimním semestru na ÚHV FF UK v Praze mimořádně hostuje profesor Michael Beckerman. Jeden z kursů je pojat jako reflexe soudobého stavu (nejen americké) hudební vědy a je otevřen jak studentům UK, tak i dalším zájemcům. Konference je závěrečnou součástí tohoto přednáškového cyklu.

Vice informací v Kalendáriu ČSHV


Music and Sound Between Tradition and Innovation
An International Conference co-sponsored by NYU, NYU Prague and Charles University


Friday, December 14th, 2018
Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy/Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Room 405

10:00-Welcome and Conference Introduction, Happy Hellos
Marc Niubo, Chair, Charles University Department of Musicology
Michael Beckerman, Department of Music, New York University, Conference Convener

Session 1: 10:30-12:00 Performance-Reception-Discontinuities
Nir Cohen: “Historical Pre-Performance Practices in Mid-19th-Century Germany: What Can the Archives Tell Us?”
Kateřina Nová: “The Reception of Antonín Dvořák’s Life and Work 1939-1954”
Harald Kisiedu: “European Echoes: Jazz Experimentalism in Germany, 1950- 1975: A Few Thoughts on a Book Project”
Veronika Seidlová: “Negotiating Dis/continuities from the Past in the Present: On the Social Life of the Organ in a Prague Synagogue”

Lunch 12:00-2 (Lunch on your own)

Session 2: 2-3:30 Operatic Inquiries
Jack Meadow: “Concerning Parts, Wholes, and Opera in Extremis: Bohuslav Martinů’s Interwar Opera Cycle Hry o Marii and the Embrace of Ambiguity
Tereza Havelková: “Opera as Hypermedium”
Alysse Padilla: “Do Non-traditional Opera Productions Call for Unorthodox Scholarship?”
Veronika Vejvodová: “The Sources of Dvořák’s Armida and Basic Research Perspectives on the Composer’s Late Operatic Oeuvre.”


Session 3: 3:45-5:30 Habsburg Echoes
David Catchpole: “Habsburg Nostalgia: Imperial Self-sacrifice and the Austrian Baroque in the Operas of Egon Wellesz”
Hana Ehlová: “Smetana`s Prague Carnival”
Tomas Bazika: “Music and Image in Amadeus”
Pavel Kodýtek: “When Conductors Revise a Score: A Blessing or a Curse?”

Dinner Location TBA


Saturday, December 15th 2018
NYU Prague, Richtrův dům, Malé náměstí

Session 4: 10:00-12 Sound, Objectivity and Innovation
Daphne Carr: “Sound as State Violence in Contemporary Policing Practices”
Martina Stratilková “Edward Bullough and Moritz Geiger on the Objectivity of Music Experience”
Matěj Kratochvíl: “Talking about folk music. Researching the Folklore Revival through Oral History”
Klára Hedvika Mühlová: “Laws of Innovative Thought - Visions of Atonal Order in Czechoslovak Music Theory of the 20th and 21st Century”

Lunch: 12:00-2 (Lunch on your own)

Session 5: 2-3:30 Listening, Sacred Music and Heuristics
Kateřina Janíčková: “The Boom in Church Music/Sacred Music in the Czech Republic After 1989”
Jiří Kopecký: “The Age of Projects and 19th century music: Innovation or Traditional Fair Heuristic?”
Grace Osborne: “Listening into the Void: An inquiry into listening, space making, and relationality”


Session 6: 3:45-5:30 Transformative Sounds
Martin Čurda “Music-Rhetorical Figures: Baroque Theory of Affects vs. Modern Music Analysis and Semiotics”
Jana Franková: “Karl Kohaut's (1726-1784) works for strings in the context of Central-European Collections”
Akiva Zamcheck: “Have Environmental Regulations on Industry Transformed the Sound of Cities?”
Vít Zdrálek: “What Do They Do? Czech Music Ethnologists as Researchers-Practitioners”

Dinner 7PM, NYU Prague, Sad Farewells
Richtrův dům, Malé náměstí

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