On behalf of IMS Directorium Member Antonio Baldassarre we would like to bring to your attention the second CFP for the 21st International Conference of Association RIdIM,
“Looking Popular: Representations of the Popular in Music Visual Culture,”
which will be held in Prague (CZ) from July 29 to 31, 2022. The submission deadline is March 31, 2022.
Visit ridim.org/cfp-international-ridim-conference-2022 for more details.
CFP International RIdIM Conference 2022
Association RIdIM (Repertoire International d’Iconographie Musicale), in collaboration with the Národní Muzeum, České Muzeum Hudby, is organising the
21st International Conference of Association RIdIM
Looking Popular
Representations of the Popular in Music Visual Culture
Národní Muzeum, České Muzeum Hudby, Prague, Czech Republic, 29-31 July 2022.

The Conference will present recent research on topics related to the manner in which “the popular” in its manifold expressions might be represented in visual culture related to music, theatre, and dance.
Topics may include, but are not restricted to:
- visual representations of popular music of all cultures and times;
- visual culture and media theory related to music, theatre, and dance;
- organology of the instruments in use or of influence in popular music;
- popular music, theatre, and dance culture as visually presented;
- topics relating to the popularisation of so-called art music as represented in visual culture;
- rock, jazz and pop music and related art forms in visual culture;
- representations of social, ethnic, and gender categories in the visualization of popular music;
- sexuality and sexual objectification in popular music visualizations; and
- digital games as related to popular music in visual culture.

Jan Havicksz. Stehen (1655-1660), The Merry Family, 1668, oil on canvas, 110.5 × 141.0 cm. Amsterdam: (inv.-no.: SK-C-229).
Paper Presentations Proposals
Paper presentations of 30 minutes (including time for questions and discussion) are invited. These must present original research and findings, and may be on any topic relevant to the scope of the conference. Please submit an abstract by using the online form, available at https://ridim.org/application-form-ridim-2022
Deadline and Requirements for Submission
- Proposals for presentations will be accepted until 31 March 2022 (17:00 GMT). Confirmation of receipt will be given within 48 hours of the e-mail proposal being received.
- Acceptance of submissions for inclusion in the conference will be notified to the author or the chair of the panel session respectively by 15 April 2022.
The decision of the Programme Committee is final and no correspondence will be entered into concerning the decision.
Further regulations
- The languages of the abstracts and presentations will be English.
- Presentations must be delivered in person at the Conference.
Additional information for the attendees
- The registration fee is Euro 210 (regular) and Euro 110 (for students).
- Presentations can only be delivered with valid registration.
- Further relevant information is available at ridim.org
Programme Committee
- Antonio Baldassarre, President Association RIdIM, Zurich (CHE)
- Zdravko Blažeković, Research Center for Music Iconography, New York (USA)
- Daniela Castaldo, Univeristà del Salento, Lecce (ITA)
- Marita Fornaro Bordolli, Universidad de la República, Montevideo (URY)
- Eva Paulová, České Muzeum Hudby (Czech Museum of Music, Prague) (CZE)
- Arabella Teniswood-Harvey, University of Tasmania, Hobart (AUS)
- Wei Zhang 上海音乐学院 (Shanghai Conservatory of Music) (CHN)
Download of the CFP
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